UPInk V-Print V2.0

This machine adopted Epson DX7 170 Model Print Head, with double UV Curing System. With a max print height of 3.5m and length of 5.0m, UPInk V-Print V2.0 is capable of bypassing all canvas, sticker prints required for the actual images on wall.  

Capable of adapting to various application scenarios. From home wall decorations to office wall decorations, and even outdoor wall graffiti, creative roller blind spray painting, and direct printing on glass doors and windows, the limitations of these applications only exist in your imagination.

Safe System With protective casing Covering all key components, Optimizing the security of the electronic circuit system, customizing the maximum printing height protection limit, and UV lamp temperature control energy-saving system

Dealers Wanted!

Training and support will be provided for all onboarded Dealers. Lucrative rates and prices offered to all eligible dealers!

Keen in providing the Vertical Wall Art Printing as a business in either Singapore or Malaysia? We are opened to all businesses or individuals whom wish to adopt this technology be it as an addon or sole business. Call us today at (65) 8756 0115 or whatsapp will do.